The Massachusetts 5-Person Crews NFHS Football Manual Review Committee’s goal was to review the 2023 NFHS Game Officials Manual, make recommendations, educate officials, and promote a unified implementation of its procedures in high school football games across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
The Committee’s efforts led to the following five position-specific mechanics videos:
The REFEREE’s Mechanics in a 5-Person Crew
The UMPIRE’s Mechnics in a 5-Person Crew
The BACK JUDGE’s Mechanics in a 5-Person Crew
The LINE JUDGE’s Mechanics on a 5-Person Crew
The HEAD LINESMAN’s Mechanics on a 5-Person Crew
Once you start the video, there will appear a [-] symbol in the bottom right corner. It is important that you select the [-] symbol to see the video in full screen. If time is a factor, you can select “1.5X” time (recommended) before you hit play. The video will play faster and will reduce the viewing time almost in half.
The members of the Committee included: Tom Brow: Co- Chairman – Association of New England Football Officials (ANEFO); Peter D. Ochs: Co-Chairman – Berkshire County Football Officials Association (BCFOA); James Kearney: Association of New England Football Officials (ANEFO); Tom Azevedo – Southeastern Mass Football Officials Association (SMFOA); Mike Byron – Eastern Massachusetts Association of Interscholastic Football Officials (EMAIFO); Dan Case – Cape Cod Football Association (CCFOA); Rich Clark – Western Mass Football Officials Association (WMFOA); Doug Davenport – Mass Independent Football Association (MIFOA); Chris Ferreira – Southeastern Mass Football Official Association (SMFOA); and Billy Graham – Nobscot Valley Football Officials Association (NVFOA).
The Committee convened several times between February 26, 2023 – April 16, 2023. Their document is aimed at creating a more unified implementation of statewide officiating 5-person high school football mechanics is below.
At the end of each NFHS Manual Review (Sections 1-16) are the Committee’s recommendations.
If you would like to see the Mass Committee’s 5-Person’s Crew recommendations, without the actual specifics of the NFHS Manual, then select the following:
If you would like to see the NFHS 5-Person’s Mechanics Manual, without the Mass Committee’s recommendations, then select the following:
A special thank you to the Massachusetts 5-Person Crews NFHS Football Manual Review Committee!