John Muttuchio, ANEFO President; Tommy Brow, ANEFO Interpreter; Dave Fusco, ANEFO Official; Steve Mulvey, ANEFO Official; and Mike Roche, AAC referee were the featured guest speakers at the ANEFO meeting on August 28, 2017. The topics of the evening included: MIAA background checks, blocking below the waist, concussion test, common sense officiating, and the career path to college football officiating. Their handouts, summary of their presentations, and/or resources are located at the bottom of this article.
First, John discussed the MIAA background check and how to register online, the pre-season exam, the new mentoring program and the agenda for the meeting. Next Tommy discussed various aspects of blocking below the waist including: observing both the initial contact of the BBW and the direction from which the blocker and the defender were moving prior to the BBW, the offensive tackle box, the crack-back block, the peel-back block and restricted and unrestricted BBW. Dave later discussed the importance of taking the annual online concussion test and how to access the test on our website. Next, Steve discuss several aspects of common sense officiating. Some of his tips included: being knowledgeable of the rules, staying alert throughout the game, working as a team, being courteous when speaking with coaches and players, and preventative officiating. Finally, Mike discussed his roots in the ANEFO and how that eventually led him to becoming a college referee in the ACC. For more information, please see posted handouts below.
Mattucchio.8.28.17 <– (See Mattuchio’s Handout)
BBW. Update . 8.28.17 <— (See Brow’s Handout)
Concussion Test <– (See Fusco’s link to the Concussion Test)
Mulvey.common sense officiating.8.28.17 <– (See Mulvey’s Handout)
ANEFO.Mike.Roche.8.28.17 <— (See Roche’s Handout)