The witty Kevin Chapman and the well-spoken Brian Harrison, both ANEFO officials, along with Tommy Brow, ANEFO rules interpreter, were the featured guest speakers at the ANEFO meeting on September 25, 2017. The topics of the evening included: Rule 6 – The Kicking Game and some interesting plays. Their handouts, summary of their presentations, and/or resources are located at the bottom of this article.
First, Tommy presented some more interesting “You Make the Call!” scenarios involving: 1) A tipped pass caught by a receiver who stepped out-of-bounds. 2) A backward passed muffed by the halfback that eventually rolled forward out-of-bounds beyond the line to gain. 3) An onside kick touched by the kicking team before it went ten yards. The members had an opportunity to “turn and talk” to other officials before the scenarios were clarified. Next, Kevin discussed free kicks including: positioning, rules, penalty enforcement, and onside kicks. Brain then discussed scrimmage kick plays including: positioning, rules, penalty enforcement, and the try after a touchdown. They also shared tips on how to properly use a bean bag during a football game. The speakers initially mocked each other when Kevin presented a photo of Brian on the side of a milk truck; Brian likewise showed Attorney Chapman’s picture from a local TV news station with the incorrect caption of “Randy” Chapman – Defense Attorney. They concluded their presentation with a humorous photos of Chris Clemente studying the rule book at his day job!
For more information, please see posted handouts below.
ANEFO.You.Make.the.Call.9.25.17 <– (Brow’s Handout)
KICKS <– (Chapman and Harrison’s Handout.Part I)
Bean Bag <– (Chapman and Harrison’s Handout.Part II)