Michael Carroll and Jim Kearney, featured guest speakers, along with Tommy Brow, Rules Interpreter, discussed Rule 5 – Series of Downs, Line to Gain, as well as Common Sense Officiating at the ANEFO meeting on September 8, 2015. Their handouts and/or resources are located at the bottom of this article. First, Michael Carroll discussed Rule 5 which including: when to award a series, line to gain, forward progress, continuity of downs broken, fouls during a free kick down, penalty resulting in a new series, fouls before and/or after change of team possession, penalty declined, fouls between downs and series, fouls by both teams and rule decisions final. Next, Tommy Brow showed five video clips on running plays. Then he discussed “late hits” out of bounds on fourth down and “piling on” a fourth down play short of the line to gain. Three separate “You Make the Call” plays were presented and discussed. Finally, Jim Kearney spoke from the heart about common sense officiating on the field and the importance of being mentally prepared for each game. For more information, please select handouts listed below:
Rule 5 – Series of Downs <— (Carroll’s handout)
ANEFO.Line.to.Gain.9.8.15 <— (Brow’s handout)
Common Sense Officiating <— (Kearney’s handout) – TBA