Bill Zeoli, an ANEFO and college official; Tommy Brow, ANEFO rules interpreter, and breakout groups led by Jack Walsh, referee; Al Guido, field judge; Tim Hooton, back judge; Ed Geary, umpire; Jack Gilhooly, linesman were the featured guest speakers at the ANEFO meeting on September 18, 2017. The topics of the evening included: Rule 10 – Penalty Enforcement, Interesting Plays, and Breakout Group Discussions by Position. Their handouts, summary of their presentations, and/or resources are located at the bottom of this article.
First, Tommy presented some interesting “You Make the Call!” scenarios involving: 1) A punt that crossed the neutral, bounced back behind the neutral zone, and was punted down field a second time. 2) A blocked field goal that was subsequently kicked through the uprights. 3) A facemask foul committed on the first run followed by a backward pass and a second run. The members had an opportunity to “turn and talk” to other officials before the scenarios were clarified. Next, Bill led a fast-paced, ten question, True-False quiz about penalty enforcement. He then presented twenty-seven video clips from recent MIAA high school super bowl games that highlighted proper penalty enforcement. He concluded his presentation with a humorous clip of Jack Walsh keeping pace with a young Xavarian player during an interception jaunt seventy yards to the end zone! Finally, Jack Walsh, referee; Al Guido, field judge; Tim Hooton, back judge; Ed Geary, umpire; and Jack Gilhooly, linesman led five separate discussions in breakout groups about their respective positions. They shared their routines, rules, what to look for, tips, proper positioning, and a host of insightful suggestions.
For more information, please see posted handouts below.
ANEFO.You.Make.the.Call.9.18.17 <– (Brow’s Handout)
ANEFO RULE 10 Presentation.B.Zeoli.9.18.17 <–(Zeoli’s Handout)
5 MAN PREGAME.Walsh.9.18.17 <–(Walsh’s Handout – Part I)
COACHES.MEETING.Walsh.9.18.17 <– (Walsh’s Handout – Part II)
Back Judge Position.Hooton.9.18.17 <– (Hooton’s Handout)
LINE JUDGE.Guido.9.18.17 <–(Guido’s Handout)
Umpire.Geary.9.18.17 <–(Geary’s Handout)
Head.Linesman.Mechanics.Gilhooly.9.18.17 <–(Gilhooly’s Handout)