Al Bartolini, President, presided at the third ANEFO meeting of the 2022 Football Season on Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at the Irish-American Club in Malden. Al greeted the members and discussed various updates about the upcoming football season. Al also reminded each member about their requirement to register with the MIAA, to take the annual online concussion test and the annual online ANEFO mandatory preseason exam.
Tom Brow, Rules Interpreter, was the guest speaker. Tom presented a visual presentation that included the some major differences between NFHS Football Rules and NCAA Football Rules, including inbounds and out of bounds differences, batting differences, penalty enforcement differences, free kick differences, scrimmage kick differences, defensive pass interference differences, timing differences, horse collar tackle differences, try down differences, fumble and backward pass differences, and forward pass thrown away to conserve yardage differences. Once you start his video presentation, there will appear a [-] symbol in the bottom right corner. It is important that you select the [-] symbol to see the video in full screen.
NFHS vs. NCAA Rules Differences <— (Click Here for Brow’s Presentation)
At the end of the meeting, there was an opportunity for ANEFO members to ask some excellent questions. During his closing remarks, Tom wished everyone good luck during the upcoming season.
The next meeting will be on Monday, September 12, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at the Irish-American Club, and the online ANEFO mandatory pre-season exam and your pre-season registration with the MIAA is now past due. I wish everyone a successful opening weekend of football officiating; don’t forget to make sure there are two certified medical personnel, one for each team, at all Massachusetts varsity NFHS football games.