Bob Prestera, Secretary-Treasurer, presided at the seventh, in-person ANEFO meeting of the 2021 Football Season on Monday, October 4, 2021 at the Irish-American Club. Bob greeted the members and discussed various updates about the football season. Bob also reminded everyone there will be no meeting next week!
Bob Prestera, Secretary-Treasurer, was the first guest speaker. Bob topic’s was lineman’s position and technique. His subtopics included: before the game pre-game conference and meeting with the chain crew, kickoffs, run plays, pass plays, goal line plays, measurements, timeouts, between quarters, PATs and field goals, counting the defense and sideline demeanor.
Tom Brow, Rules Interpreter, was the second guest speaker. Tom presented five interesting “You Make the Call” scenarios. He also show video clips featuring plays from three local high school games including: Exeter vs. Winnacunnet, Greater Lawrence vs. Shawsheen and Boston Latin vs. Boston Latin Academy.
ANEFO – You Make the Call: Field Goals & Fumbles in the End Zone <– (Click Here for Brow’s video)
Once you start the video presentation, there will appear a [-] symbol in the bottom right corner. It is important that you select the [-] symbol to see the video in full screen.
At the end of the meeting, there was an opportunity for ANEFO members to ask some excellent questions. During his closing remarks, President Cacciatore wished everyone good luck during the season. The next meeting will be Monday, October 18, 2021.
Lineman’s Techniques (Bob’s Handout is below)