The ANEFO awards two scholarships annually to a child or step child of an Active Member, an official, in good standing of the ANEFO. The scholarships are intended to provide financial assistance to students entering their first year of college, a post graduate year or students presently attending a college or university. A scholarship will be awarded to one son and to one daughter of active ANEFO members. The 2024 deadline to apply is: Sunday, November 3, 2024 (by email) to Bob Prestera or Monday, November 4, 2024 (hand form in person at Business Meeting), to Bob Prestera, ANEFO Secretary/Treasurer. (Scroll down to the bottom to see all the pictures.)
ANEFO.Scholarship (<– Download Scholarship Application )
- 2014: Connor Henry & Jamie Lannon
- 2015: Joseph Fusco & Shannon Alvino
- 2016: Steve White & Caitlin Ouelette
- 2017: Joshua Cerretani & Molly Alvino
- 2018: Aguila Lever & Tyler Poulin
- 2019: Sotirios Paragiotopoulos & Alexis Paragiotopoulos
- 2020: NONE – Covid-19 Pandemic
- 2021: Tom O’Grady Jr & Kathrin Gately
- 2022: Chloe Santilli & Rob Cibotti
- 2023: Bridget Gately & Tony Molle, Jr.
- 2024: Martin Gately & David Tracy
Pictures of Recipients Parents/Guardians: