Richard Cacciatore, President, conducted a virtual ANEFO meeting of the Fall II Football Season on Monday, March 2, 2021. Over 200 ANEFO members attended the virtual Zoom meeting. President Cacciatore greeted the members and discussed various updates about the upcoming Fall II Football Season. He announced that the online Pre-Season Exam is due Tuesday, March 16, 2021. Next, the following commissioners and/or assigners had an opportunity to address the membership: Tim Hooton, Skip Likins, Bob Oreal, Joe Cacciatore. A message was also read on behalf of William Stewart. Each commissioner/assigner explained their expectations for their various leagues.
Tom Brow, Rules Interpreter, was the guest speaker. He presented a visual presentation about both the new NFHS rules and the new MIAA rule adjustments due to Covid-19 for the Fall II football season. To view his presentation go to:
ANEFO – New Football Rules – March 2, 2021
Once you start the video presentation, there will appear a [-] symbol in the bottom right corner. It is important that you select the [-] symbol to see the video in full screen.
Toward the end of the meeting, there was an opportunity for ANEFO members to ask questions. Finally, President Cacciatore gave his closing his closing remarks
ANEFO – New Football Rules – March 2, 2021 <– (Click here for Brow’s Presentation)